We know you’ve got a voice. Or at least an opinion. Let us be your soapbox.
Cascadia Daily News would love to hear your opinions, either via Letters to the Editor or guest commentaries.
Letters to the Editor
If you’d like to make a point in a simple, concise way, especially regarding something we’ve already published, chime in through a Letter to the Editor. These should be 400 words or less, concise, accurate and to the point. We reserve the right to edit letters for length and standards related to civility, libel and other considerations. We won’t publish letters containing demonstrably false assertions or information. Please include your name, address, and a telephone number to confirm your identity. Letters may be emailed to letters@cascadiadaily.com.
Guest Commentaries
Have more to say, and some knowledge and research to back it up? Consider submitting a guest commentary. Maximum length: 800 words. Be clear and back up assertions with facts. If you have photographs or other imagery that might further your point, we’ll consider those on a case-by-case basis. An example, a recent guest commentary by Bellingham Mayor Seth Fleetwood, can be seen here. Send your pitches for guest commentary submissions to Executive Editor Ron Judd at ronjudd@cascadiadaily.com.
Commissioner: Lessons from ABC Recycling inform gravel-shipping proposal