THURSDAY, March 17
Whatcom Transportation Authority Board, 8 a.m., virtual meeting
Agenda and meeting materials online.
Sehome Hill Arboretum Board of Governors, 4 p.m., virtual meeting
Agenda to be posted before meeting.
Bellingham police chief candidate forum, 5:30 p.m., virtual meeting
Candidates will introduce themselves and answer selected questions from the public. Register in advance.
Ferndale Metalworks Skate Park meeting, 6 p.m., virtual meeting
Get an update and provide input on the design of the skate park planned for Pioneer Park.
Nooksack Valley School District, 7 p.m., virtual or at Nooksack Valley Middle School
Agenda and instructions on how to join remotely available online.
SATURDAY, March 19
Ferndale School District, 8 a.m., Horizon Middle School or virtual meeting
The school board will interview the six candidates for superintendent. The meeting will conclude with an executive session to pick the top three candidates. Agenda available online.
MONDAY, March 21
Ferndale City Council, 5 p.m., virtual meeting
The agenda and a link to the meeting will be available online in advance.
Anacortes City Council, 6 p.m., 904 6th St. or virtual meeting
Agenda online.
Bellingham City Council Community Voices, 6 p.m., virtual meeting
After a short presentation, the council will take public comment in a remote town hall-style meeting on the issue of climate action.
Ferndale School District, 6 p.m., Horizon Middle School
Community forum to meet one of three superintendent finalists. Attendees can submit feedback about the candidate to the school board.
TUESDAY, March 22
Whatcom PUD Commission, 8 a.m., virtual meeting
Agenda and meeting materials online.
Whatcom County Council (multiple meetings), 10:15 a.m. to 6 p.m., 311 Grand Ave., Bellingham or virtual meeting
Agenda and meeting materials online. 6 p.m. full council meeting includes six public hearings: (1) vacating a portion of Horton Road, (2) vacating a portion of Boxwood Road, (3) changing the name of Bear Trap Road to Bear Spirit Road, (4) a temporary stop sign on Drayton Harbor Road, (5) a temporary stop sign on South Pass Road and (6) repealing the temporary closure of Gulf Road. Council committees meet at 10:15 a.m. (Climate Action and Natural Resources), 10:45 a.m. (Finance and Administrative Services), 1:30 p.m. (Public Works and Health) and 2:30 p.m. (Committee of the Whole).
Bellingham Tourism Commission, 3:30 p.m., virtual meeting
Preregistration required to join meeting. Agenda to be posted before meeting.
Bellingham Arts Commission, 6 p.m., virtual meeting
Preregistration required to join meeting. Agenda to be posted before meeting.
Bellingham Historic Preservation Commission, 7 p.m., virtual meeting
Agenda may be posted before meeting.
Bellingham Recreation Needs Assessment focus group, 7 p.m., virtual meeting
Second of three focus groups. The purpose of the recreation needs assessment is to equitably provide recreation programs, events, outdoor athletic facilities, indoor recreational/community centers, gymnasiums and aquatic space.
Social Equity in Cannabis draft rules forum, 1 p.m., virtual meeting
The state Liquor and Cannabis Board will host this meeting to review the draft rules. Agenda online.
Ferndale School District, 6 p.m., Horizon Middle School
Community forum to meet one of three superintendent finalists. Attendees can submit feedback about the candidate to the school board.
Lake Whatcom Joint Councils and Commissioners, 6:30 p.m., virtual meeting
Annual meeting of the Bellingham City Council, Whatcom County Council and Lake Whatcom Water and Sewer District Board on Lake Whatcom water quality and ongoing efforts to improve it. Agenda and meeting materials available online.
Mount Vernon City Council, 7 p.m., 1805 Continental Place
Agenda to be posted before meeting.
Meridian School District, 7 p.m., Meridian High School or virtual
Agenda and instructions on how to join remotely will be posted before the meeting.
Opt out of Whatcom County road shoulder herbicide program.
For property owners along county rights of way. Call Public Works Maintenance and Operations, 360-778-6400 to request a copy of the required maintenance agreement and arrange pickup of “Owner Will Maintain” signs.
Department of Natural Resources land exchange in Skagit County. Deadline: March 28
DNR proposes adding a net 1,300 acres to the common school trust, to generate revenue for public schools from timber sales. A portion of the proposed trust land is in Skagit County. To comment, email Find more information online.
Apply for funding for affordable housing in Skagit County. Deadline: March 31
Money for planning or construction comes from real estate excise taxes collected in Skagit County. Details and application online.
Fairhaven Park entrance sign. Deadline: March 31
View design proposals for a new sign at the entrance of Fairhaven Park and provide your comments. The city of Bellingham takes comments on various projects at
Phillips 66 Integrated Oil Spill Contingency Plan. Deadline: April 7
The state Department of Ecology provides more information and a comment form online.
Bellingham Recreation Needs Assessment Survey. Deadline: April 8
The assessment covers facilities and programs. Fill out the survey online.
BP Cherry Point — Proposed Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) Permit Amendment. Deadline: April 11
The state Department of Ecology provides more information and a comment form online.
Name the future Bellingham park at Cornwall Landfill. Deadline: April 29
Cleanup of the site is scheduled for 2023 with park construction expected to begin in September 2024. Enter your suggestion for the new park’s name at the Engage Bellingham website.
Climate Action Fund. Deadline: April 30
Bellingham city officials seek feedback on a proposed property tax to fund carbon reduction and climate change adaption projects.
Jail planning. Deadline: Late 2022
The Whatcom County Justice Project’s Stakeholder Advisory Committee is accepting comments at on a new jail and associated behavioral health services, as long as the committee continues to meet.
How much do I pay, and where does the money go? Whatcom, Skagit and San Juan counties report how much each jurisdiction collects in property taxes, and how much each individual pays, depending on where they live and the value of their property.
Civic agenda is published weekly on Thursdays.