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Fired Bellingham detective charged with third-degree theft

Adam 'Bo' McGinty faces 3 charges in Skagit County Superior Court

By Charlotte Alden General Assignment/Enterprise Reporter

A fired Bellingham Police Department detective is now facing three charges in Whatcom County Superior Court. 

Adam “Bo” McGinty was charged on Tuesday, Oct. 24 with one count of misappropriation or falsification of accounts by a public officer, one count of official misconduct, and one count of third-degree theft, according to a press release from Lt. Mike Moore of the Mount Vernon Police Department.

The misappropriation charge is a felony with a maximum penalty of 15 years in prison.

The charges follow a criminal investigation by the Mount Vernon Police Department, which the Bellingham police had requested to avoid a perceived conflict of interest.

McGinty was fired by Bellingham police in August after an internal investigation found that he used dry-cleaning services under a co-worker’s name. 

According to charging documents filed in Whatcom County court, McGinty charged $750.98 in dry cleaning services to a colleague, Det. Justin Fryksdale, between March 2022 and May 2023 without the detective’s knowledge.

Jason Powers, the Mount Vernon attorney representing McGinty, did not immediately respond to a request for comment. McGinty is scheduled to appear in Whatcom County Superior Court on Friday, Nov. 3.

In August, a Cascadia Daily News investigation revealed McGinty received an unauthorized hero’s send-off after he was fired for misuse of public funds. The send-off included a flag raising and a police procession, which came to light after the details were shared on social media.

No officers were disciplined for participating in the unsanctioned send-off, Lt. Claudia Murphy said Wednesday. Police Chief Rebecca Mertzig later issued a directive requiring that any future flag-raising or escort ceremonies receive her advance approval.

A July 26 memo summarizing the Bellingham police’s internal investigation said there could be evidence that McGinty committed second-degree theft, a felony; but prosecutors charged McGinty with third-degree theft, which is a gross misdemeanor involving theft of property or services which does not exceed $750. 

The release stated the police department only viewed material that would stand up in criminal court and referred the case to the Skagit County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office for a “charging determination” on Sept. 19.

This story was updated 5:07 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 25 with additional information.

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