Nov. 1 begins “food season,” according to Cascadia Daily News Executive Editor Ron Judd. He did not theorize when said season ends, but it’s safe to surmise it lasts as long as fires are crackling, lights are twinkling at 4:30 p.m. and iced coffee diehards think about switching to a hot beverage.
As we near this cozy, oft-gluttonous season, CDN is looking for readers’ best pumpkin and sweet potato recipes (family or original recipes only — we’re not interested in Pinterest spinoffs).
What dishes do you make Thanksgiving morning before you sit at a table and avoid the topic of politics and war with your distant cousin? What meal is featured on a rainy day in your home? What recipe quiets the whole dining room and satisfies the grumbliest appetites?
We want those, so long as they involve one of the above orange ingredients.
Send your family pumpkin or sweet potato recipes to (subject line: Pumpkin and Sweet Potato Recipes) by Monday, Oct. 30. In early November we’ll pick our favorites, cook/bake them, taste-test them and report the results to our readers.