Moving to Bellingham in 2021 to attend Western Washington University, I was ill-equipped for the vibrant fashion scene. Skirts on top of jeans, dozens of piercings every which way, baggy pants that seemed impossible not to trip over — I was blown away and inspired.
I never had much of a sense of fashion. In middle school, I alternated between two cotton soccer T-shirts, pairing them with neon blue or yellow socks. When I moved to Arizona in high school, I bought a pink Supreme shirt with a cubist-style illustration of a lady, but I was too nervous to wear it. At prom and homecoming, I wore my dad’s baggy, blue dress shirt and oversized, red tie that hung past my waistline, while the other boys wore perfectly set tuxedos and bowties.
I still find just as much wonder in Bellingham’s fashion scene as I did when I first moved here. Meet 12 individuals who encapsulate that sense of wonder.
David Watson, 24
What part of your outfit are you most proud of?
My hat. I found it on the ground. I think someone dropped it for me to have it. I was like, ‘It was meant to be here today for me to find right now.’
How would you describe your day-to-day style?
I like to use a lot of colors, in-your-face sort of thing, which is so weird because I like to be collected, to myself. It’s bright and hard to ignore, which definitely juxtaposes my personality. There’s something about wearing brightly colored pants that really catches people’s eyes because if you look around right now, nine out of 10 bottoms are going to be black, tan or, like, jeans.
What do you think about the Bellingham fashion scene?
I love it so much. A lot of people like to go with that Lauryn Hill, Boho [Bohemian], earthy style, and whatnot. I really like to throw on my headphones and just observe what other people are wearing.
Terra Souriall, 39
What part of your outfit are you most proud of?
I love my dress. I saw it and I was like, ‘I have to have that dress.’ My friend has a boutique in Texas and always has the stuff I like. It’s got pink in it!
How would you describe your day-to-day style?
A lot of pink. Always a bow in the hair. A lot of gold and diamonds. Just to make it fun and girly.
How would you describe the Bellingham fashion scene?
I feel like I am a little extra compared to some of the fashion scene, but I’ve always been like this since I was little. This is me and this is how I shine. Anything I see that brings me joy, I buy it. It’s my jam!
Danial Hall and Nicholas Genge, 19
What part of your outfit are you most proud of?
Danial Hall: The T-shirt I am wearing. I cropped it a while ago, and it was the first T-shirt I cropped. And my friend Nic screenprinted an “S” onto the back.
Nicolas Genge: Probably the pants. These are a pair of Carhartt double knees. I got rid of the logos and I widened them out. They’ve broken a lot, so I’ve repaired them. They’re like my pants.
How would you describe your day-to-day style?
DH: The same pants every day. I’ve worn these every day since December. I just believe in wearing your clothes to the ground and as much as possible because why else are you buying them? Stop overconsuming — invest in pieces and wear them.
NG: We’ve both inspired each other, so I kind of have the same ideology. Tailor your clothing to what you like. Everything I wear has been personalized in some way.
What have you noticed about the Bellingham fashion scene?
DH: There are just influences from everywhere, I haven’t really seen one designated style.
NG: There are a lot of people — specifically on campus — who put time and care into curating the way they look. I would say on average, people dress better here than in most places.
What is an outfit that has stood out to you?
NG: How people have started wearing Keffiyehs — the Palestinian scarf. That’s been cool to see how personal beliefs and ideology play into how people present themselves and dress.
Matthew Turner, 26
What part of your outfit are you most proud of?
This coat is awesome. It’s Teddy Fresh. I loved it so much that I even got it tailored. But also these pants I thrifted were initially $200 pants; they still had the original tag on them. I got them for $20. I was like, ‘This is a ridiculous find.’ But also, The Big Thief shirt. I saw them live last August and they were incredible. I love every part of this outfit so much!
How would you describe your day-to-day style?
I like to just add color. Matching colors is the biggest thing — or no matching colors, as many colors as possible. It doesn’t even matter if it works or not.
How would you describe the Bellingham fashion scene?
I like the thrifted look that is all over Bellingham. It’s like piecemeal. People wearing grandma’s clothes with an extra-large punk T-shirt, frilly skirts and platform boots covered in buckles. I love that!
Sharon Wagner, 83
What part of your outfit are you most proud of?
Oh, I love these shoes! I bought them in Portugal. They were in a window of a store, and I said, ‘I’ve got to have those shoes.’
How do you like to dress day-to-day?
I don’t like to look like an old lady. That’s my thing.
How would you describe Bellingham’s fashion scene?
It is funky! It is totally. Don’t be surprised by anything. It’s lovely; it really is. It’s not just at Western, it’s all over the town. I think Western kind of sets the example that you can wear what you want.
Sun Day, 26, and Braden Feathers, 33
What part of your outfit are you most proud of?
Sun Day: I am excited about tall boots and legwarmers. I think they need to come back for everyone.
Braden Feathers: This is my first time out in public cross-dressing. I am enjoying starting to build out some witchy, drapey, flowy stuff.
What inspires your fashion sense?
SD: There’s been a big tonal shift of, ‘Oh, I am 26 and I’m not sure if I got to wear all the cute things I wanted to wear when I was a teenager.’ I’m like, ‘I want to wear that. Life is too short!’ Don’t be pulled back by whatever specific expectation of how you should be presenting for your age.
BF: I have been interested in expressing myself like this for a good decade or so, but was always too anxious and nervous to go out in public and do it. Now with the remaining vestiges of my youth, I am trying to bring it out whenever I can.
How would you describe the Bellingham fashion scene?
BF: All over the place. It’s very age-based. You have younger people who are putting in effort. They are putting on fun stuff and probably have a couple of pieces that they are proud of and are wearing right now. I feel like a lot of the older folks are simpler — not that that is a bad thing.
SD: For this age group, too, a lot of people are doing upcycling and printing stuff. Upcycling is taking old pieces and then [changing] them to give them a new life.
Ashley DeLatour, 44
What is your favorite part of your outfit?
I think the dress because I just got it today. Yellow is my favorite color. The yellow shoes are actually Rothy’s and I am proud of them because they’re made of recycled materials and you can wash them over and over.
How would you describe your day-to-day style?
I like dresses, feminine styles, cool funky patterns and bright colors — anything that’s in the primary realm.
How would you describe the Bellingham fashion scene?
It’s cool and relaxed. There’s a good mix of styles here in this community.
Bob Peck, 62
What part of your outfit are you most proud of?
The fact that I like to let everyone know that I am one of the biggest fans of Iron Maiden. I went to my first concert in 1982. Each time I go to a show I add a new patch to it. I’ll be going to my 20th this fall.
How would you describe your day-to-day style?
During the weekdays, I have to wear scrubs because I am a nurse. I get to choose what my scrub patterns are. I haven’t done an Iron Maiden one, but I have Kiss, The Who, Aerosmith, Looney Tunes and some other things. I don’t like plain scrubs.
How would you describe the Bellingham fashion scene?
I think it’s kind of great. People from all walks of life can come here, meet and find out that we have a lot of similar interests, even if we do have different tastes.
Danielle Baumgart, 49
Does any part of your outfit have sentimental value?
I bought these glasses when I went to see the Eagles in Vegas with our oldest daughter, who’s 27. We just had such a good time. I’m like, ‘I want these glasses,’ and she’s like, ‘Those are so ’70s, mom.’ Now I wear them all the time.
How would you describe your day-to-day style?
Pretty eclectic because I could be in heels — most people make fun of me because I am pretty tall, but wear heels every day — then I could also be in scrubs, running around and doing yardwork or whatnot. We fish a lot so I could have Grundéns on.
How would you describe the Bellingham fashion scene?
It’s really fun because you can do anything you want. I love the fact that over the last 10 years, I’ve seen people go with more fun things, more skirts but there could be cowboy boots with them or Xtratufs with super cute shorts.
I think we’re getting a couple of cute boutiques around here and I used to only go to Vancouver to shop. With all the college students, they bring a lot of fun stuff. So you can look down the street and go, ‘Ooh, that’s cute. Ooh, that’s cute!’
Ashley Rainey, 52
What part of your outfit are you most proud of?
My purse because I made it. The fabric and the straps all came from Ragfinery. Then, the inside lining was abandoned fabric in my basement garage in my condo building. So, everything is upcycled. This is the only project I’ve ever timed to see how long it would take and what it would cost me if I had to make a living wage. So this is like a $300 bag, even though it only cost me $10 or less.
How would you describe your day-to-day style?
I am a big sucker for stripes, navy or black. Who can resist Chuck’s [Converse Chuck Taylor’s]? I like to get stuff that I know is going to last a long time and then I can change with the seasons. I like style that’s going to last and then I put a quirky spin on classic stuff. My mom was very elegant and I was very punk. So I’ve carried a little bit of the punk into it. I don’t think she unfortunately got to know how much of her style influenced me.
How would you describe the Bellingham fashion scene?
I would say a little disappointing because everybody’s always so casual. I think some people are starting to put more effort in. When I first moved here, it was just woodsy and outdoorsy, like they looked like they just stepped off the trail. I would like to see people not be afraid to put on some jewelry and some accessories and make their outfits a little more interesting just to go to a coffee shop.