Title IX at 50 is a three-part series exploring and reporting on how the federal law has impacted and changed lives of Whatcom County women in sports over the past half-century. At times controversial, the legislation has gone a long way toward leveling the playing field for girls and women since its inception in 1972. Editor’s note: Due to broad public interest in this subject, this series has been made available outside the newspaper’s paywall as a public service by Cascadia Daily News.
Written by Cassidy Hettesheimer // Edited by Meri-Jo Borzilleri
From bake sales to chartered buses: How Title IX changed sports at WWU and in Whatcom County
Local culture includes early history of women’s recreation, sports teams and ‘kickass athletes’
Read part one, which details Title IX’s significant influence on Western Washington University and local sports figures.
Coaching and leading in the Title IX era
Longevity is a hallmark for Western Washington University, Bellingham schools
Read part two, which examines the legacy and influence of female coaches and athletes in Whatcom County.
Part two includes the interactive timeline below.
Room to Grow: Title IX influence extends beyond school walls, campuses
Stage is set for more diversity, accessibility for girls in recreational sports in Whatcom
Read part three, which examines what Title IX will look like for future sportswomen in Whatcom County.