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Gallery: Whatcom Youth Pride 2024

Hundreds of community members showed up for Whatcom Youth Pride — one of the only pride parades and festivals directed at LGBTQ+ youth — on Saturday, June 1 in downtown Bellingham. Though young people are the heart of the event, community members of all ages are invited to cheer them on.

Whatcom Youth Pride, which began in 2019, is coordinated by volunteers including teachers, school staff, parents and community allies. Average attendance is around 1,500, and more than 35 organizations tabled booths at a festival directly following the event.

The Whatcom Youth Pride parade began at 11 a.m. at Bellingham High School and looped through downtown. Marchers and spectators then traveled back to the high school for an art market, performances, food trucks and a resource fair. Organizations in attendance included Mt. Baker Planned Parenthood, Wild Whatcom, PLFAG Bellingham/Whatcom County and more. Info: